Liz Chen
Principal Migration Agent (MARN 1570529)
Liz combines her professional expertise and analytical accounting and consulting skills with immigration law to solve problems and achieve positive outcomes for her clients.
Liz is a Chartered Accountant (CA) and Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA) with 11 years of Australian Government experience in financial, management and system roles. Having exposure to 10 Federal Government Departments has allowed Liz to understand various systems and processes at all levels.
Liz has a superior working knowledge of Financial Management Information Systems (SAP, Oracle, TM1, MYOB, Xero) as well as Migration Management software LEAP. She undertakes and understands highly complex transactions involving assets, property, foreign currencies, finance leases and contractual issues. She utilises her business consulting skills to assist with complex Immigration cases.
Liz was awarded an Individual Australia Day Achievement Award in 2012 by the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (Department of the Environment) for exemplary professionalism and exceptional customer service through the provision of financial accounting to the Department’s Operational Support Units.
Her notable strengths in stakeholder management and solid customer service skills, underpinned by her financial management focus, ensures business improvement and uptake of efficiency measures within her team. Her strong work ethic and depth of experience coupled with her problem-solving skills allow Liz to deliver consistent outcomes for her clients.
If you would like to contact Liz, please feel free to contact us